RPM - Red Hat Package Manager File

What is a RPM file

Originally, the RPM file extension and the according format has been developed for the Linux OS Red Hat. However, due to its easy handling and versatility, RPM files are used across different Linux systems as well. The RPM file is used to install programs and software on Linux systems.

RPM files are compressed files containing installation data and information for different programs and software. It is used mainly on Linux systems. The files also serve the function to uninstall software as well as verifying, updating and querying the contained software.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open RPM documents:

  • Alien (Linux)
  • Incredible Bee Archiver (Mac)
  • Red Hat Package Manager (Linux)
  • The Unarchiver (Mac)
Extension RPM
MIME type application/x-rpm
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