RESOURCES - Visual Studio Resource File

What is a RESOURCES file

Visual Studio, a software development suite and creation of Microsoft, saves certain data using the RESOURCES file format with a file extension of the same name. The files can contain two different instances, namely strings and objects. Objects, however, always have to be serialized in order to be contained in a RESOURCES file. RESOURCES files serve the purpose of bundling assets of an application or program in order for Visual Studio to be able to access them.

There are several ways in which RESOURCES files can be accessed by different programs within the Visual Studio suite. Using the .NET Framework, for example, the “System.Resources” namespace has to be used. A class like the “ResourceWriter” class can then be used to add resources to the file. While RESOURCES files are quite similar to RESX files, only the former should be used to compile into a satellite assembly. RESOURCES files are saved as binary text files.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open RESOURCES documents:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio (Windows)
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