RDF - Resource Description Framework File

What is a RDF file

RDF files actually are document files that have been written in a specific language, namely the Resource Description Framework language. This language is used to express information about different resources on the internet. The files contain metadata which are, in this case, basically structured data about websites and webpages. Thus, they can include site maps, page descriptions, keywords, information about updates, etc.

Especially the web browser Firefox by Mozilla uses RDF files to store setting information for windows as well as toolbars. The RDF format was introduced to provide data in a serialized format. Its syntax is based on the XML standard.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open RDF documents:

  • Altova XMLSpy (Windows)
  • Liquid Technologies Liquid XML Studio (Windows)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Mozilla SeaMonkey (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor (Windows, Mac & Linux)
Extension RDF
MIME type application/rdf+xml
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