VMG - Nokia vMessage

What is a VMG file

VMG (vMessage) files are used for the storage of SMS text messages in a plain text format often used by Nokia phones. The information contained in the file includes: sender, date, time, and message contents. This allows messages to be saved in plain text to save copies of SMS messages by syncing the phone with a computer where the text document can then be found. Nokia, Siemens, and Palm devices utilize this file type. When sent to a computer, converting the file may be needed to view the data and message or programs from the phone provider may need to be downloaded.

Standards for the VMG file type are defined by the IrDA (Infrared Data Association) within the IrDA Infrared Mobile Communications v1.1 specification. The VMG file standards define exchange methods of personal data including business cards and contact information, appointments, notes, and the like between devices. Unicode versions of VMG files start with Hex: 42 00 45 00 47 00 49 00 4E 00 3A 00 56 00 4D 00 53 00 47. Using proper software, VMG files can be read, edited, and sent back and forth between phones and mobile devices. Unicode-enabled text editors can usually open and view VMG files, though it may prove to be inconvenient since it cannot view the messages in a thread or chat format.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open VMG documents:

  • Nokia phones
  • Siemens Phones
  • Palm devices
  • Unicode-enabled text editor
  • Nokia PC Suite
  • Samsung PC Studio
  • Text Message Editor
  • Vertu PC Suite
Extension VMG
MIME type text/x-vmessage
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