LIT - Microsoft eBook File

What is a LIT file

Released in 2000, LIT (Literature) files are used with Microsoft Reader and devices like Windows Mobile. Microsoft Reader is a free Windows program for electronic documents such as eBooks. LIT is an extension of the Microsoft Compressed HTML Help format, which includes DRM. Small third party online eBook sellers deal with LIT files. The file type was not heavily adopted due to the lack of compatibility with various devices. The format was discontinued and no longer supported by the end of 2011. The LIT file type and Microsoft Reader was useful until other formats became standard or cross compatible with other devices.

Microsoft Reader utilizes ClearType (which decreases color fidelity to intensify the visuals to ease reading on small devices). Users can highlight text, draw on the pages, take text notes, and search content. On PC devices with plugins for text-to-speech, the books can be heard instead of read. Windows Pocket PC’s and certain Windows-based phones can read the LIT files, but well known readers like the Kindle, iBook, and Nook cannot. The Windows 95 through Vista operating systems are compatible with LIT files. Outside of that, Pocket PC 2000-2002 and Windows Mobile 2003, 2003 SE, 5.5, 6.0, and 6.1 can run LIT files.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open LIT documents:

  • Microsoft Reader
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