GPX - GPS Exchange File

What is a GPX file

GPX files are used to store GPS data. This data contains locations like waypoints or routes and tracks. The GPX files enables users to exchange GPS data between different devices. The GPX format is an open standard, hence why the format can be read and supported by a number of different GPS applications.

GPS data is formatted in a certain format, namely the GPS Exchange Format. This formatting uses standard XML formatting which allows the file to be read and imported by many different programs and web services alike. Information about locations as well as time, elevation and other kind of information are stored inside the file using tags.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open GPX documents:

  • Apple Xcode (Mac)
  • Fugawi Global Navigator (Windows)
  • Garmin MapSource (Windows)
  • Google Earth (Windows & Mac)
  • GottenGeography (Linux)
  • GPS Utility (Windows)
  • GPSRouteX (Mac)
  • GPX Viewer (Linux)
  • JOSM (Linux)
  • Merkaartor (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Microsoft Streets & Tips (Windows)
  • Safe Software FME Desktop (Windows)
  • TatukGIS Viewer (Windows)
  • TopoGrafix EasyGPS (Windows)
Extension GPX
MIME type n/a
Useful links
Example Files
(823 bytes)
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