FLV - Animated Flash Video File

What is a FLV file

The Flash Video Format by Adobe Systems is commonly used for online videos for sites such as YouTube, Hulu, Vevo, and many other streaming video services. Nearly every operating system (with the exception of iOS) can read and view FLV files using Adobe Flash Player (including browser plug-ins) and third-party software. iPhone and Android operated mobile devices can play FLV files using open source software and specific browsers. iOS still has some problems with Flash. The Android version “Jelly Bean” allows users to utilize FLV files. Files with the FLV extension are only viewable with FLV player programs. Screen recording of FLV videos are possible with screen capturing and recording programs.

FLV files using the H.263 standard under the Sorenson Spark (FourCC FLV1) codec are commonly considered to be compatible due to a) them being the first codec files supported with the Flash Player, and b) the heavy usage throughout other versions being able to support the codec. Audio in FLV videos are often in the MP3 file type, but audio can be recorded over the video by using a microphone using the Nellymoser Asao Codec. Screenshare is possible in two different ways: both using bitmap tile and lossy compression due to reducing color depth. The main different between the two ways to Screenshare is that the second version is only compatible with Flash Player 8.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open FLV documents:

  • FFDShow
  • Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
  • VideoLAN VLC Media Player
  • Windows Media Player
Extension FLV
MIME type video/x-flv
Useful links
Example Files
(796.54 KiB)
(576.40 KiB)
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