BFC - Windows Briefcase File

What is a BFC file

The BFC file extension is most commonly associated with Microsoft Windows Briefcase. This program was designed to easily synchronize files between different computers or devices. Introduced in Windows 95, Windows Briefcase has been deprecated in Windows 8 and 10. The functionality has not been removed from the operating system, but it made the usage of BFC files on newer computers futile.

BFC files comprise of folders that contain different kinds of files. These files can be synchronized between devices running on Windows. Most commonly, BFC were used to synchronize files between a desktop computer and a laptop. BFC files contain files and behave like other folders as well since they allow copy & paste as well as drag & drop of the files inside. In addition to this, these special folders have additional functions and buttons in the toolbar that allow the synchronization of out-of-sync files.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open BFC documents:

  • Microsoft Windows Briefcase
  • Windows Explorer
Extension BFC
MIME type application/octet-stream
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