VBPROJ - Visual Studio Visual Basic Project

What is a VBPROJ file

VBPROJ files are created using Microsoft’s Visual Studio software development suite. The format is used to save project files and the work in progress state of a Visual Basic project. The information contained in the file consists of data needed by the project, such as the version, links to files used in the project, or the application platform. All information inside the file is saved in the XML format.

Files with the VBPROJ extension can only be used in Visual Studio. Project files that have been saved in versions earlier than 2008 may have issues with being recognized by modern versions of Visual Studio. In these cases, the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard may be able to update the VBPROJ file to be used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, for example. The wizard is typically saved in the vbu.exe file.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open VBPROJ documents:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio (Windows)
Extension VBPROJ
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