RSS - Rich Site Summary

What is a RSS file

RSS files are known as website feeds saved in an XML format. These syndication files contain information about web content like articles and blog entries and are used by many websites to share their content across the web in a pure text format. Thus, this Rich Site Summary gives the user exactly this: an undisturbed and updated summary of a website's or blog's (news) feed.

RSS files and URLs that end in .rss contain text-only data about different kinds of website content. The thus created news feed includes headlines and, commonly, a summary or extract. RSS has to be supported by a user's browser in order to open websites that end in RSS. Mozilla Firefox, for example, is "RSS-ready" and also functions as a program to open RSS files.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open RSS documents:

  • BottomFeeder (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Cynical Peak Cyndicate (Mac)
  • FeedDemon (Windows)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • NewsFire (Mac)
  • NewsGator NetNewsWire (Mac)
  • NewzCrawler (Windows)
  • RssReader (Windows)
  • Utsire Shrook ( Mac)
Extension RSS
MIME type application/rss+xml
Useful links
Example Files
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