PPSX - PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show

What is a PPSX file

PPSX is a PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show which was mainly designed to be non-editable and basically playback a PowerPoint presentation created prior. Files with the PPSX extension differ from PPTX which permits the file to be editable. The “X” extension refers to Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2012 which ZIP compresse the file. Therefore, PPSX files are different from the older versions that generally have files with large sizes.

PPSX are the compressed files that are based on the ECMA 376 standard for Office Open XML. Video, audio, image and text files can be supported by files with this extension. PPSX files are stored in a zipped directory format that matches the OPC structure. Like the PPTX format, the PPSX file format improves data recovery, data management, and file sizing. It permits for other applications to interact with it due to the XML structure.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open PPSX documents:

  • Apple Keynote
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • OpenOffice
Extension PPSX
MIME type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
Useful links
Example Files
(272.07 KiB)
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