ENS - EndNote Style File

What is a ENS file

EndNote, a program that manages all kinds of citations, especially for scientific and academic work, uses files with the ENS file extension. ENS files are style files, which means they are responsible for formatting the output by citations used by EndNote. There are different citation standards for, mostly, different fields of study. The ENS file allows users of EndNote to format the output of their citations with regard to the standard they need to use. The style can include the sequence and look of indentation, punctuation, alphabetization, and more.

EndNote uses the ENS files to manipulate information stored in a library file (using the ENL file format) according to a certain citation standard. Many organizations that maintain such bibliographic formatting standards offer the download of ENS files to comply with different standards. Users of EndNote can also generate custom styles as well though and save them in the ENS format for future use or sharing.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open ENS documents:

  • Thomas Reuters EndNote (Windows & Mac)
Extension ENS
MIME type n/a
Useful links