CPP - C++ Source Code File

What is a CPP file

Similar to the C file, CPP files contain source code written in the object-oriented programming language C++. Since the information in the CPP file is stored as plain text, the files can be opened by any text editor. However, to make the best use of the code, they should be opened in a program that supports syntax highlighting of the contained C++ code. Thanks to the popularity of C++, the according CPP files are very well known as well.

The code contained in the CPP file can function as whole, standalone code or a program even. However, the CPP file can also be one of many referenced in a development project. Before a CPP file can be run by a platform or device, a C++ compiler has to be used to compile the file.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open CPP documents:

  • Apple Xcode (Mac)
  • BloodshedSoftware Dev-C++ (Windows)
  • Code::Blocks (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Eclipse IDE for C Developers (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Embarcadero Technologies C++ Builder (Windows)
  • ES-Computing EditPlus (Windows)
  • Freescale CodeWarrior Cevelopment Tool (Mac)
  • GNU Compiler Collection (Mac & Linux)
  • MacroMate TextMate (Mac)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (Windows)
Extension CPP
MIME type text/plain, text/x-c
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