CMD - Windows Command File

What is a CMD file

CMD files are used on computers running on the Microsoft Windows operating system. The CMD file contains a series of commands and a specific order in which these commands have to be executed. The file format is also known as being a batch file format. Since this file is a vital part of Windows, they are often targeted by malware. Thus it's advised to check an unknown CMD file thoroughly.

CMD files contain data saved in a plain text format. Thus, they can be opened, viewed and edited using any common text editing or word processing software. Introduced together with Windows NT, CMD files are similar to DOS BAT files. Instead of being run by COMMAND.COM, it is run by CMD.EXE though. The files can be run on all kinds of Windows NT systems via DOS.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open CMD documents:

  • Microsoft Notepad (Windows)
  • Microsoft Windows (Windows)
  • Microsoft WordPad (Windows)
  • Notepad++ (Windows)
  • Parallels Desktop for Mac (Mac)
  • Other Text Editors
Extension CMD
MIME type application/cmd, application/octet-stream, application/textedit
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