CED - JVC Camera Video Data File

What is a CED file

The file extension CED is a very specific type of file that is not commonly used when working with videos and video formatting. The file is specifically created by JVC recording devices. The normal routine of making a recording with one of these types of devices is to insert an SD card into the recorder and then use the device to format the SD card. When you follow this procedure, everything functions as normal and there are no CED files created. However, if you do not format the SD card correctly, the JVC device saves your video as a CED file.

If you are using a JVC recording device and you do not properly format the SD card before you start recording, the device will save your video as a file with a CED extension. This typically causes problems because most other devices do not have the ability to work with a CED file. This means you can’t edit or even view your video. In most cases, you will have to convert the CED file into the type of file that can be handled by your video software. It can also be a problem to access these files so you can convert them. You should look in the folder called JFCHD. Within that folder, there should be a file with the generic title of “stream”. That should hold the CED file you need to convert in order to make your video useable.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open CED documents:

  • This file is not supposed to be opened and will need to be converted to become useful.
Extension CED
MIME type n/a
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