AIR - Adobe AIR Installation Package

What is a AIR file

Files with the AIR extension are used by Adobe Air, a runtime application for software development. The application uses AIR files to store installation information. All assets and code needed for the software installation are contained in these installation packages. AIR files are similar to EXE or DMG files which are also used to install applications and programs on a system. While EXE and DMG files only work on Windows and Mac computers respectively, AIR installer packages can be used across platforms. Usually, AIR files are distributed via download. However, it may also be that you receive them via e-mail, burned onto a disc or saved on a flash drive.

In order to utilize the code and other installation information of the AIR file, the Adobe Air program needs to be installed on the machine. It’s the best way to open and use the installer package. After a double-click on the AIR file, it is automatically installed.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open AIR documents:

  • Adobe Air (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Adobe Flash (Windows & Mac)
Extension AIR
MIME type application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip
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