NFO - System Information File

What is a NFO file

Files with the NFO extension can be created by various programs. The most common one is associated with Microsoft's System Information tool which is used for gathering system information on a Windows computer. It incorporates problem diagnosis as well. All information the Windows utility collects is saved in the NFO file.

NFO files are comparable to README files, however they do not only contain bare text as usual in README files with a TXT extension. Regarded as the press releases of different kinds of warez, NFO files typically contain release information and software installation notes. These are, oftentimes, illustrated with graphics and "art" created using ASCII. These data files can be opened and viewed in NFO viewers or text editors that support the font used in the NFO file.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open NFO documents:

  • DIZzy
  • GetDiz
  • Microsoft Notepad
  • Microsoft System Information
  • NFOPad
Extension NFO
MIME type text/x-nfo
Useful links