DESKTHEMEPACK - Windows 8 Desktop Theme Pack File

What is a DESKTHEMEPACK file

With the launch of Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system version, a file extension for desktop themes has been introduced as well. DESKTHEMEPACK files bundle up all information and files your Windows 8 machine needs to install a new desktop theme. The files can be downloaded from providers of resources and shared with other users of the Windows operating system.

The DESKTHEMEPACK contains background images, usually saved in the JPG format, and a THEME file. Installation of the theme pack is fairly easy. A double-click on the DESKTHEMEPACK file is all it needs. Furthermore, personalized themes can be saved as DESKTHEMEPACK as well to share them with others or have the same theme on different Windows computers and laptops. DESKTHEMEPACK are exclusive for Windows 8 and supersede the THEMEPACK files from Windows 7. While the THEMEPACK files can be used in Windows 8, DESKTHEMEPACK files aren't compatible with Windows 7.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open DESKTHEMEPACK documents:

  • Microsoft Windows Personalization Control Panel
MIME type n/a
Useful links