PAGES.ZIP - Pages Document

What is a PAGES.ZIP file

Files with the PAGES.ZIP file format extension are an older version of PAGES files. They both are document formats created in Apple Pages (Apple's equivalent to Microsoft Word). They can, naturally, contain text and text formatting, but also images, tables, other graphics, and other embedded elements. The difference between PAGES.ZIP and PAGES files is that PAGES.ZIP files were produced by older versions of Pages from the iWork suite released between 2003 and 2007. The modern programs produce PAGES files per default.

It's already obvious from the name: PAGES.ZIP use ZIP compression. This makes them package files rather than mere "document" files. If you want to open a PAGES.ZIP in a modern version of iWork, you'll be out of luck. To work with these files nowadays, you'd have to decompress the file or compress it into a ZIP file.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open PAGES.ZIP documents:

  • Apple Pages (Mac & iOS)
Extension PAGES.ZIP
MIME type application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages application/
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